Swiss Ambassador Celebrates Shape Park Inauguration
At the inauguration, the Ambassador of Switzerland, Andreas Baum addressed the following words to those in attendance.
“Congratulations to my compatriot Guido Guth, who took the initiative to bring the concept to Israel and carried the project through. This is a day he can be proud of. With his energy, I can see further fitness trails spreading throughout Israel.
The concept of the Vitaparcours is intimately linked to the life of a community and the enjoyment of woodlands. Healthy communities and forests are essential values in both Switzerland and Israel. Family, fitness, community and nature are the key ingredients.
As you no doubt know, the job of a diplomat – even more than others – is dangerous, especially in a country like Israel, where we are constantly exposed to so much…good food and wine. And then you see all the beautiful trim bodies of all ages on the beach! Fitness is the only solution to this dilemma, being outside with others, be it on the beach or on a trail in the woods, it is always more fun.”